We help leaders prioritize themselves in order to become fully present, reduce their stress and bring their most elevated self into all areas of their lives in order to make their one day happen.

protect your energy, protect your business.

According to a 2023 study, 74% of founders experience high stress, anxiety, burnout, depression & panic attacks yet when it comes time to prioritize our wellbeing and our teams, it often gets pushed to the bottom of the list.

We believe a strong people development strategy is a must have for any company that is serious about attracting & retaining top talent, accelerating performance, engaging and preparing teams for substantial growth and ACTUALLY giving a f*ck about its people.

Culture is a byproduct of the leader’s energy, which is shaping everything inside of the company.


WriteSea team development workshop


WriteSea team development workshop |

What we believe in

Long term energy & success is created from alignment with your vision & Values. Here’s ours:


We aren’t meant to do it alone. Our growth & performance accelerates when we are witnessed which is why we champion group coaching, community building and hyper local experiences to bring people together IRL.


We’re here for the lean-in energy. In order to create something different, we get curious about what’s possible and what it will take to get there. Imagination is a key to unlocking the future and creating something that didn’t exist before.


We believe presence is the access point to regulation, connection, & clarity. Prioritizing finding more presence allows you to regulate your nervous system, find a deeper connection with self & others and gain clarity on alignment from a different vantage point.



We trust that it’s all happening for us. There is always something to learn & celebrate and when we stay rooted in an attitude of gratitude we shift the reality happening around us.


Rest, movement & creativity are a magic unlock. We don’t take ourselves too seriously and bring an element of playfulness to everything we do in order to make work fun again.

disruptors wanted

Change makers & pattern breakers are required to break the systems together.

We recognize that oppressive structures & systems don’t create a level playing field for the many marginalized groups in our society, specifically when it comes to wellness accessibility. We think that’s bullsh*t and are actively in the business to change that reality.

In order to create a future that doesn’t currently exist, we have the opportunity to hold a vision for a new future together while we work on an individual level to break down thought patterns & systems that are holding larger systems in place. They don’t teach this stuff in school for a reason. Liberation for all begins in the mind, body, & soul of one.




Regardless of how you identify, the color of your skin, or the experiences you've had, at the end of the day we are all human and the same on the inside. Our coaching is based in neuroscience and personal development principles that work for anyone if they choose to do the work.




We are on a mission to help elevate human consciousness in order to support a vision of a world that is free of ism’s, full of possibility and better place for all of us. It starts at the individual level, with people understanding that they already have the potential within to make this future possible.




There is a seat for you at this table always. We all get to start unlearning things, step into what's meant for us, and lift each other up as we do. We offer these life-changing tools to anyone who's ready for them, let's go.


Making the woo-woo relatable for busy founders & leaders

If you give a f*ck about learning how to prioritize yourself and your personal & professional development, this podcast is for you.

Our guest lineup is fire and includes professional athletes, award winning musicians, NYT best selling authors, thought leaders, CEO’s, industry experts and more who share their stories about how they’ve been able to make their “one day” happen with a little woo in their journey.

Each episode will leave you energetically shifted with an elevated vibe and feeling hella grateful that you made some space for yourself along with some tangible things you can get in action with to support your wellbeing.

  • How to Turn Your Struggle Into Swag

    w/ Kobe & MJ’s Mindfulness Coach George Mumford

  • Running Thought Defense + The Power of Words

    W/ Dr. Jamal Früster

  • Facing Discomfort on Mt. Everest, in Your Brain & Life

    w/ Ellen Miller

  • Listening to Your Inner Whispers

    w/ NFL Legend Ricky Williams